Upload attachments to SharePoint Online

Some weeks ago, I got a task to implement a functionality with which document attachments can be uploaded to SharePoint Online. In this blog I want to explain and show how this can be done.

Of course, to upload files to SharePoint Online, it requires you to have a SharePoint Online domain and an account which has enough access rights to upload and manage files.

D365fFO offers a functionality with which files can be uploaded to SharePoint Online during the attachment. This is done by creating a document type under Document management which has SharePoint set up as the file location. When uploading a file using this document type, the file is then uploaded to SharePoint.

Using this available framework of D365fFO, a simple functionality can be developed with which attachments can be uploaded to SharePoint Online e.g. by using a button.

To do this, we first need to define the SharePoint Online server and site path and also the path to the folder where we want to put the file. Second, we also need the binary file information of the attachment we want to upload.

Let’s assume the SharePoint address looks like this:
d365dev.sharepoint.com/sites/Test-Site/Shared Documents/Invoices

Now, let’s determine the specific SharePoint paths by splitting up the address. That would be…
SharePoint server: d365dev.sharepoint.com
SharePoint site: sites/Test-Site
SharePoint folder path: Shared Documents/Invoices

One important thing to note: to use the D365fFO framework, it requires a D365fFO user who has a so-called “ExternalId”.

The function could then look like this:

protected void uploadToSharepoint(DocuRef _docuRef)
    str filename;
    str fileContetType;
    str externalId;
    System.IO.Stream fileStream;
    DocuValue docuValue = _docuRef.docuValue();

    const str defaultSPServer = 'd365dev.sharepoint.com';
    const str spSite = 'sites/Test-Site';
    const str spFolderPath = 'Shared Documents/Invoices';

    filename = docuValue.filename();
    fileContetType = System.Web.MimeMapping::GetMimeMapping(filename);

    // Get the file stream of the document attachment.
    fileStream = DocumentManagement::getAttachmentStream(_docuRef);
    // Specify a user who has an External Id.
    externalId = xUserInfo::getExternalId(curUserId());

    // Instantiate SharePoint document storage provider with sharepoint address path.
    Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.FileManagement.IDocumentStorageProvider storageProvider = new Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.FileManagement.SharePointDocumentStorageProvider(

    storageProvider.ProviderId = DocuStorageProviderType::SharePoint;

    if (storageProvider != null)
        // Generates a unique file name in case the file name already exists on SharePoint path.
        str uniqueFilename = storageProvider.GenerateUniqueName(filename);
        // Upload file to SharePoint Online path.
        Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.FileManagement.DocumentLocation location = storageProvider.SaveFile(

        if (location != null)
            info(strFmt("File path: %1", location.get_NavigationUri().ToString()));

In my next blog post I will then show how to update the metadata of the uploaded file on SharePoint Online through D365fFO – including managed metadatas.



3 thoughts on “Upload attachments to SharePoint Online

  1. […] Some weeks ago, I got a task to implement a functionality with which document attachments can be uploaded to SharePoint Online. In this blog I want to explain and show how this can be done. Of course, to upload files to SharePoint Online, it requires you to have a SharePoint Online domain and an account… — Read on d365dev.com/2018/06/07/upload-attachments-to-sharepoint-online/ […]


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